LOCUS NT_111909 453 bp DNA linear CON 21-JUN-2007
DEFINITION Mus musculus chromosome X genomic contig, strain C57BL/6J.
ACCESSION NT_111909 REGION: complement(2446765..2447217)
VERSION NT_111909.2 GI:83000855
SOURCE Mus musculus (house mouse)
ORGANISM Mus musculus
Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia;
Sciurognathi; Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Mus.
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 453)
AUTHORS Waterston,R.H., Lindblad-Toh,K., Birney,E., Rogers,J., Abril,J.F.,
Agarwal,P., Agarwala,R., Ainscough,R., Alexandersson,M., An,P.,
Antonarakis,S.E., Attwood,J., Baertsch,R., Bailey,J., Barlow,K.,
Beck,S., Berry,E., Birren,B., Bloom,T., Bork,P., Botcherby,M.,
Bray,N., Brent,M.R., Brown,D.G., Brown,S.D., Bult,C., Burton,J.,
Butler,J., Campbell,R.D., Carninci,P., Cawley,S., Chiaromonte,F.,
Chinwalla,A.T., Church,D.M., Clamp,M., Clee,C., Collins,F.S.,
Cook,L.L., Copley,R.R., Coulson,A., Couronne,O., Cuff,J.,
Curwen,V., Cutts,T., Daly,M., David,R., Davies,J., Delehaunty,K.D.,
Deri,J., Dermitzakis,E.T., Dewey,C., Dickens,N.J., Diekhans,M.,
Dodge,S., Dubchak,I., Dunn,D.M., Eddy,S.R., Elnitski,L., Emes,R.D.,
Eswara,P., Eyras,E., Felsenfeld,A., Fewell,G.A., Flicek,P.,
Foley,K., Frankel,W.N., Fulton,L.A., Fulton,R.S., Furey,T.S.,
Gage,D., Gibbs,R.A., Glusman,G., Gnerre,S., Goldman,N.,
Goodstadt,L., Grafham,D., Graves,T.A., Green,E.D., Gregory,S.,
Guigo,R., Guyer,M., Hardison,R.C., Haussler,D., Hayashizaki,Y.,
Hillier,L.W., Hinrichs,A., Hlavina,W., Holzer,T., Hsu,F., Hua,A.,
Hubbard,T., Hunt,A., Jackson,I., Jaffe,D.B., Johnson,L.S.,
Jones,M., Jones,T.A., Joy,A., Kamal,M., Karlsson,E.K.,
Karolchik,D., Kasprzyk,A., Kawai,J., Keibler,E., Kells,C.,
Kent,W.J., Kirby,A., Kolbe,D.L., Korf,I., Kucherlapati,R.S.,
Kulbokas,E.J., Kulp,D., Landers,T., Leger,J.P., Leonard,S.,
Letunic,I., Levine,R., Li,J., Li,M., Lloyd,C., Lucas,S., Ma,B.,
Maglott,D.R., Mardis,E.R., Matthews,L., Mauceli,E., Mayer,J.H.,
McCarthy,M., McCombie,W.R., McLaren,S., McLay,K., McPherson,J.D.,
Meldrim,J., Meredith,B., Mesirov,J.P., Miller,W., Miner,T.L.,
Mongin,E., Montgomery,K.T., Morgan,M., Mott,R., Mullikin,J.C.,
Muzny,D.M., Nash,W.E., Nelson,J.O., Nhan,M.N., Nicol,R., Ning,Z.,
Nusbaum,C., O'Connor,M.J., Okazaki,Y., Oliver,K., Overton-Larty,E.,
Pachter,L., Parra,G., Pepin,K.H., Peterson,J., Pevzner,P.,
Plumb,R., Pohl,C.S., Poliakov,A., Ponce,T.C., Ponting,C.P.,
Potter,S., Quail,M., Reymond,A., Roe,B.A., Roskin,K.M., Rubin,E.M.,
Rust,A.G., Santos,R., Sapojnikov,V., Schultz,B., Schultz,J.,
Schwartz,M.S., Schwartz,S., Scott,C., Seaman,S., Searle,S.,
Sharpe,T., Sheridan,A., Shownkeen,R., Sims,S., Singer,J.B.,
Slater,G., Smit,A., Smith,D.R., Spencer,B., Stabenau,A.,
Stange-Thomann,N., Sugnet,C., Suyama,M., Tesler,G., Thompson,J.,
Torrents,D., Trevaskis,E., Tromp,J., Ucla,C., Ureta-Vidal,A.,
Vinson,J.P., Von Niederhausern,A.C., Wade,C.M., Wall,M.,
Weber,R.J., Weiss,R.B., Wendl,M.C., West,A.P., Wetterstrand,K.,
Wheeler,R., Whelan,S., Wierzbowski,J., Willey,D., Williams,S.,
Wilson,R.K., Winter,E., Worley,K.C., Wyman,D., Yang,S., Yang,S.P.,
Zdobnov,E.M., Zody,M.C. and Lander,E.S.
TITLE Initial sequencing and comparative analysis of the mouse genome
JOURNAL Nature 420 (6915), 520-562 (2002)
PUBMED 12466850
REFERENCE 2 (sites)
AUTHORS Lowe,T.M. and Eddy,S.R.
TITLE tRNAscan-SE: a program for improved detection of transfer RNA genes
in genomic sequence
JOURNAL Nucleic Acids Res. 25 (5), 955-964 (1997)
PUBMED 9023104
REMARK This is the methods paper for tRNAscan-SE.
COMMENT GENOME ANNOTATION REFSEQ: Features on this sequence have been
produced for build 37 version 1 of the NCBI's genome annotation
[see documentation].
On or before Jan 11, 2006 this sequence version replaced
gi:63740850, gi:63741204.
The DNA sequence is part of the largely finished reference sequence
(C57BL/6J) that contains small amounts of WGS and HTGS Draft
sequence. This assembly was performed by NCBI in consultation with
the Mouse Genome Sequencing Consortium.
Name: MmX_110779_37.
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..453
/organism="Mus musculus"
/mol_type="genomic DNA"
1 caagagagct gagcttggag aaactcgatc ttccagttct acgtagctcg aggcgggaag
61 gcatcacacc ataaatgcgc atgcacacgc gcaccttgaa ggctgggctt ttctcagcga
121 gctcagaggc tctcgtgaga tttcatcctt agtctcgctc ttctgcccct tcccccacaa
181 gacacaggtt ttccctccga aaaaccacac ccggaagcgt gtcactcaat ccccacaaca
241 gcgtgcgtgc cctttgcaat ctgcgcagtc cccaacatca cacatatgca cattctagcc
301 ctccaatctc tagggttgtg tgaatgtgcc tccccaccga tccgatccct aagaacagaa
361 gacctctaga caatcgaaac tgcagcatca aaagcatcac agcacataca atcacaaact
421 ttatgtgtct cctagcctgt ccaatccccc act
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