How to create zipped archive of sequence files
QUMA (QUantification tool for Methylation Analysis) top spacer close
 list Mac OS X 10.3 and later
1. Put FASTA or plain sequence format bisulfite sequence files into a folder. (Acceptable file extensions of sequence files are ".seq", ".fa", ".fas", ".fasta", ".ab1" or ".txt".)
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2. Click to select the folder.
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3. Select ‘Create Archive of "FOLDER NAME"’ from "File" menu in the Finder toolbar.
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4. The zipped archive automatically appears with the ".zip" extension in the same location as the selected you.
win zip 1
 list Other Mac OS
Please use ZipIT!, CleanArchiver, MacZip, STUFFIT or other similar programs to create zipped archive.
QUMA (QUantification tool for Methylation Analysis) top spacer close